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The ascending requirements of the academic modernization postulate the development of the university curricula and the scientific programs by their alignment to the European and international education and research framework. The fundamental mission of institutional management of Free International University of Moldova (ULIM-Universitatea Liberă Internațională din Moldova) is to contribute, by renewing the paradigm of knowledge, to the sustainable development of the country, based on the results of the activities of training and research-innovation, in the promotion, dissemination and implementation of the scientific, educational and cultural values obtained at national and international level.

The scientific research implies, according to the in legislation in force, the activity of fundamental and applicative research, being mainly composed of investigation, technology, product and scientific service.

The fundamentals of university strategic approach in the field of science relies in the context of the Code of Science and Innovation of the Republic of Moldova, the National Program in the Fields of Research and Innovation 2020-2023 and the provisions of the European Commission for the realization of the European Research Area, the Strategy of scientific research activity of ULIM for 2015-2020, Codex of ULIM (2017).

The scientific activity at the university is carried out mainly through fundamental research, combined in a balanced way with the applied research, the technological development, the design, the consultancy and the expertise.

Scientific research is an essential and distinct component of the activity of the university didactic-scientific staff. At ULIM, the scientific research activity has an equal relevance to the didactic one. It represents one of the compulsory and primordial criteria for appreciation of the professional value of the didactic and scientific staff in the university-academic community.

The scientific research activity is reflected in the self-evaluation reports, elaborated on the basis of the academic evaluation for holding the didactic and research functions, constituting a main criterion of assessment of the professional-scientific value of the scientific and didactic staff.



  • The scientific research activity, technological development, project, consultancy, expertise and other scientific activities and services at ULIM is conducted within the departments, faculties, institutes, laboratories and other units of scientific research.
  • The scientific research activity can also be carried out in collaboration with other educational and research institutions in the country and abroad, including within research networks or consortia, scientific partnerships, scientific cooperation agreements, promoted by the university.
  • ULIM considers the collaboration with university scientific centers in the Republic of Moldova, Europe and the world a priority.
  • Scientific research within ULIM is carried out on the basis of national or international scientific research programs and of the university own program, specific to each research unit.
  • The scientific research activity is organized through projects and themes, financed or not funded, included in the institutional programs of the departments, faculties, research centers etc. The research units and groups may or may not be legal persons, financed by ULIM, from the state budget, through self-financing or from other sources.
  • Participation in national and international programs is ensured by grants and contracts from the Supreme Council for Research and Technological Development of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova, various ministries, funds, institutions from abroad, other research and production units.
  • The University encourages the participation of scientific and didactic staff and researchers in national and international scientific research programs, as well as obtaining grants and sponsorships for this purpose.
  • ULIM promotes the principle of flexibility in conducting the scientific research, stimulating the development within the University of various projects, realized by different structures – departments, laboratories, faculties as well as of research groups set up with special purpose, based on precise commitments, with innovative ideas and supported by reasonably made budgets.
  • The University materially supports the scientific research on the internal programs of its component units, through a fair distribution of resources established by the Rectorate, in accordance with ULIM’s needs and priorities.
  • To the extent that a new scientific direction or portfolio of programs, projects or themes, elaborated or in the process of elaboration, requires a specific organization, the scientific research may be carried within units or structures specific to research-development, created at the departments and faculties.
  • The departments and faculties are committed to train students, Master and PhD students at the level of their chosen specialty as well as in projects, grants and various extracurricular activities. The establishment of new units of scientific research of the students is carried out by the decision of the Rector, at the recommendation of the Scientific Council or the Faculty Councils of the faculties, with the approval of ULIM Senate.
  • The management of ULIM and that of the faculties permanently supervises the development of the material basis of the research and stimulates its interdepartmental and interdisciplinary use. The existing material base and its development are periodically examined at the meetings of the Board of Directors, the Scientific Council, ULIM Senate
  • The ULIM Library Information Department (LID) provides the informational support of the scientific activity at the university. The scientific-didactic community ULIM benefits from the services of the entire information and documentation network of LID
  • The scientific activity of each research subdivision is compulsorily reflected, in the format agreed with the Science Department, on the WEB page of the respective faculty.


According to the CHARTER ULIM (Codex ULIM, 2017), methods of research realization are the following:

  • The scientific research activity is carried out by the scientific researchers, the professional staff, Master and PhD students based on the programs of the Doctoral Schools, the individual work plans and the research contracts.
  • The scientific activity is part of the individual academic activities of the didactic and scientific staff.
  • The scientific activity is carried out both independently and in collaboration with other institutions in the country and abroad.
  • The results of the scientific research are communicated at institutional, national and international scientific sessions and conferences.
  • Doctoral studies are carried out within the Doctoral Schools.
  • The doctoral schools are constituted or remodeled at the proposal of the ULIM Scientific Council with the approval of the ULIM Senate.
  • The composition of the doctoral schools provides for the attraction of the scientific staff from international university centers.
  • PhD students benefit from co-tutored doctoral programs.
  • The research activity is carried out within the departments and research entities – institutes, centers, and scientific laboratories.
  • The scientific activity constitutes 30% of the academic task and is taken into account when evaluating the academic performance of the didactic-scientific staff.
  • The results of the scientific research carried out by the ULIM staff are published under the ULIM aegis during the activity of the didactic staff at ULIM.
  • The scientific activity results in the editing of monographs, textbooks, teaching materials, journals, collections of scientific papers, course holders of the scientific-didactic staff, scientific bulletins, conference materials, symposiums, etc. The writing and editing work is carried out by the editorial staff who carry out their activity according to a thematic plan approved by the Editorial Council of the university.
  • Scientific research is a creative activity. It does not correspond to the category of scientific activity, the elaboration of university didactic supports (courses, problem collections, and practical works), the publication of materials popularizing the science or any other works, which do not contain personal contributions and scientific innovations and are limited exclusively to the presentation of already known results.
  • ULIM encourages the voluntary association of young researchers in order to promote the scientific results obtained in the Doctoral Schools.
  • The Student Scientific Society (S.S.S.), a voluntary organization that brings together passionate research students, operates at ULIM.



Free International University of the Republic of Moldova has founded and supported over the years the activity of research units, has developed the institutional intellectual potential, has stimulated the implication of visiting professors from other national and foreign university centers.



ULIM Scientific Council

Nominal list of Scientific Council.



  • Faculties and departments;
  • Institutes and specialized centers:
  1. Institute of Philological and Intercultural Research;
  2. Center of History and Political Sciences;
  3. Center of Research in Juridical Sciences;
  4. Center of Strategic Research in Economics;
  • Doctoral Schools of ULIM:
    Doctoral School of Law; Doctoral School of Economic, Social and Information Technologies Sciences; Doctoral School of Humanitarian, Political and Communication Sciences



“Promotion of multidisciplinary research” is a principle stated in the CHARTER ULIM (Codex ULIM, chapter X, article 42).

The research directions at the university are defined in respect of profiles/problems/themes of collective and individual investigations and the portfolio of authorized Master and PhD programs.

In order to support the vision of ULIM to become an active actor on the international plan, three multidisciplinary directions reflected in the world, European and national trends are defined:

  1. The Republic of Moldova in integrated (European) context: historical processes, political phenomena and legal outcomes;
  2. Sustainable development of the economy and society in the era of knowledge and globalization
  3. Multilingualism, contrastive studies and intercultural communication.



  • Developing / adapting the methods and forms applicable in the process of adjusting and harmonizing the national legal orders of the states and of the European Union;
  • Establishing the correlation between national and international law from the perspective of world practice;
  • Comparative and contrastive research through transdisciplinary and intercultural studies for the development of philological thinking in the context of new philosophical, linguistic and social and cultural theories;
  • Promoting, disseminating and implementing the scientific and cultural values obtained at national and international level;
  • Elaborating policies, methods, technologies for intelligent, sustainable economic development, favorable to inclusion in the conditions of the global knowledge society;
  • Identifying the modalities and developing the methods of investigating the person and the social consciousness.



  • ULIM has the status of the editor of scientific publications, carrying out editorial activity by publishing monographs, studies, collections of scientific articles, scientific journals, and other scientific products.
  • ULIM s the co-founder of several scientific publications from the Republic of Moldova and Romania, its didactic and scientific staff participates in the editorial boards of the scientific journals edited by the university centers in Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, France, the USA, and other countries of the world.
  • ULIM scientific publications are accredited and are included in the National Register of scientific journals.
  • The editorial boards of the ULIM scientific journals are headed by the editor-in-chief. The editorial secretary is responsible for the volume portfolio, the preparation of the edition for publication, and the editorial staff – for the quality of the articles recommended to be included in the volume. The responsibility for the scientific and linguistic writing of the publication lies with the editorial boards.
  • The scientific publications is subject to the regulations stipulated by the national and institutional legislation and is managed by the editorial boards of each journal.
  • The circulations of the scientific publications, including the periodical scientific publications at ULIM, are established, at the proposal of the faculties, by the disposition of the Rector, for each edition separately.
  • The authors of the articles included in the periodic scientific publications of ULIM pay the expenses for the publication (within the limit of the production price of a volume). The secretary of the editorial board is responsible for ensuring the payment of the polygraphic expenses by the authors.
  • Holding the functions of a member of the editorial board of the scientific publication ULIM is mentioned in the individual plan of the didactic-scientific framework.
  • The Senate periodically approves the ULIM Editorial Plan at the proposal of the Faculty Councils.
  • The publications of the didactic and scientific staff – editions of the ULIM Editorial Center – are submitted, in a mandatory number of 4 copies, to the LID ULIM and to the National Book Chamber.
  • Completion of the LID ULIM Collection “Publications of didactic and scientific staff” is made by donating by the authors at least 2 copies of the works published in other editions than the ULIM Editorial Council.
  • The scientific publications of ULIM lecturers and professors are included in the ULIM LID electronic catalog (OPAC), as well as in the special traditional catalog “Publications of the ULIM didactic and scientific staff”.
  • LID ULIM is responsible for distributing, within the inter-library exchange, ULIM scientific publications in university national and foreign libraries.
  • ULIM supports, with the approval of the Senate and within the limits of the financial possibilities, eventually ensured by the revenues from the scientific research activity of the departments and faculties, the establishment of new specialized journals in order to disseminate the results of the scientific research.






ULIM hosts, organizes and coordinates annually tens of international scientific forums, manifestations that regroup professors, scientists, PhD students from the entire world. Among them, there is firstly the traditional Conference with international participation entitled: “Universitas Europea: Toward a Society of Knowledge through Europeanization and Globalization”. Previous editions have confirmed that the dialogue of ideas and knowledge leads to a high academic discourse, in the true sense of universitas. The intellectual community of ULIM interacts with its international and national institutional partners, who we are grateful for their implication and prolific collaboration.