About the Faculty
The Faculty of Economic Sciences of ULIM represents a unitary scientific and didactic body, capable of generating and promoting new strategic directions for the national and international economy, identify and apply the most contemporary forms of scientific training and education in different fields, at the three stages of higher education – licence degree program, master degree program and doctorate degree program.
The academic staff of the faculty brings together professionals with a high degree of economic, general, and multilateral culture, being truly considered by the academic community in Moldova and abroad as a true educational and scientific model of high competence, a forgery of highly-trained graduates who are vastly qualified and competitive both nationally and internationally. It is necessary to note that a representative part of this body consists of the students who are former graduates of the faculty who have passed through all the stages of professional growth: bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral, and post-doctoral studies at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of ULIM.
Choosing the Faculty of Economic Sciences of ULIM, as an educational-scientific structure in which you will study, be sure that your future is assured, because you will benefit from studies that meet the highest international standards, you will have your internships in the most renowned niche companies, that are ULIM’s partners, in the country and abroad, and after graduation you will be easily hired, thanks to the knowledge and dexterities acquired at ULIM, by the most important state, economic, commercial structures and international fora in Moldova and abroad.
”The mission of the Faculty of Economic Sciences is to provide with a thorough professional training the professionals-to-be in economics who will be able to integrate quickly and efficiently, and meet the demands of the jobs they will be involved in, on the domestic and international labor market. Our mission is to develop students’ skills of creativity and competitiveness, in accordance with the requirements of the knowledge-based society.
Valeriu BAEȘUDean
Within the Faculty of Economic Sciences there are 2 departments:
Business and Administration, International Economic Relations and Tourism
Finance, Accounting and Mathematical Cybernetics
The mission of the department “Business and Administration, International Economic Relations and Tourism” is to is to provide with a thorough professional training the professionals-to-be in economics who will be able to integrate quickly and efficiently, and meet the demands of the jobs they will be involved in, on the domestic and international labor market. Its mission is to also develop students’ skills of creativity and competitiveness, in accordance with the requirements of the knowledge-based society.
The mission of the “Finance, Accounting and Mathematical Cybernetics” department consists in organizing and preparing students at a high level, conducting scientific research and training the skills and competences required for a contemporary financier.

Valeriu BAEȘU
Floor 2, Office 235, phone.: (+373 22) 21 39 91

Floor 2, Office 235

Floor 2, Office 235, phone: (+373 22) 22-60-40
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Vlaicu Pârcălab, 52, Chișinău
Comisia de admitere